21+ Dream Marriage Meaning

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Dream Marriage Meaning Good or Bad

Dream marriage meaning or wedding dream meaning may be good or bad it all depends on so many factors. Marriage Dream and dream related to marriage functions seen in the early morning indicate something very important about your near future.

The exact interpretation of the marriage dream depends on the wedding scene of the dream as well as religion, culture, family customs, current circumstances, profession, and emotional state of the dreamer.  

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Some frequently seen 21+ marriage dream meaning are discussed below:

Attending a Marriage in dream meaning

Attending a marriage function in a dream is a warning dream. Seeing Marriage in dream Hindu is an indication of something wrong in the family or with the family members.

It is a forecast of some miss happening in the near future. 

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Dream Marriage meaning if a dream seen by a Student

  • Seeing marriage in dream by and student is auspicious.
  • If you are a student and dream marriage with a wrong person it indicates a good time ahead in the near future.
  • Seeing marriage in dream Hindu may be the indication of a good result in your examinations or good opportunities in the near future related to a job, business, etc.
  • If you dream someone else marriage it indicates some difficult question may come in your coming examinations.


Dream Marriage meaning

Dream Marriage meaning if a dream seen by a married person

  • Seeing marriage in dream Hindu by a married person means depression and loneliness of life.
  • If you are a married person and dream marriage with a wrong person it indicates your dissatisfaction from your present married life.
  • It indicates your inner emptiness and your desire to get something else in life.

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Dream Marriage meaning if seen by an unmarried person

  • Seeing marriage in dream Hindu by an unmarried person is a good dream.
  • If an unmarried persons dream marriage particularly his own marriage it shows something good in the near future.
  • It indicates a better time ahead. It may be the symbol of a better love life very soon and then marriage with the person of your choice.
  • If you are an unmarried man and sees someone else marriage in a dream it indicates your inners stress of not getting married and going old.

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Dream marriage meaning if a dream seen by an unmarried woman

  • Seeing marriage in dream Hindu by an unmarried woman is a good dream
  • If an unmarried woman dream marriage and sees someone else marriage it ensures that she will get a good person to marry in the near future.

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Dreaming your lover getting marriage with someone else

It is an auspicious dream. It indicates you are going to marry with your choice of a person in the near future.

Dreaming of your parents attending your marriage

It is an auspicious marriage dream. Dreaming your parents in a marriage function ensures that you will receive the support of someone in the near future.

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Dreaming vine in a marriage

If you dream vine bottles or glasses filled with a vine in a marriage function it indicates troubles may come in the near future in your family.

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Dream Marriage Meaning


Dream marriage accessories

Seeing wedding accessories like dresses, bangles, necklace, and other jewelry, etc. is an auspicious dream of marriage. It indicates a good time in the near future.


Dream Marriage Meaning


Dream marriage meaning of being a wedding officiator

Dream of being a wedding officiator is a very auspicious marriage dream. It indicates your all desires come true very soon. It signifies a wonderful future full of your choices.

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Marriage Dream Meaning

Dreaming a luxurious wedding hall or marriage ceremony

It indicates promotions, success and a great time ahead.

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Dream Marriage meaning if a dream is seen by lovers

If you love someone and see a wedding dream it warns you that you may have some conflicts with your partner. Read – Which force to fall in love

Dream Marriage without bride and groom

Such a dream indicates your inner doubts about your lover. It is a symbol of a lack of trust in between the lovers.

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Marriage Dream Meaning

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Loss of wedding ring in a dream marriage

Such kind of dreams shows your inner doubts on your would-be partner.

It indicates your feeling of insecurity about your lover.


Marriage Dream Meaning

Dream Marriage Without Guests

Dream marriage in which you dream marriage function without guest it shows your inner fear about your parent’s acceptance of your selection of person whom you are going to plan your marriage.

Dream Marriage Meaning if a dream is seen by an old person

If you are a very aged person and see you getting married to someone in a dream it indicates a drastic change in your life. Your luck may be changed completely or there may be a change in your place of living.


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Dream marriage meaning speaks a lot and want to say something to you the need is to recall the dream properly and find the meaning correctly. Marriage dream is good or bad,  it depends upon what you exactly dream and what else you dream.

Moreover, what you felt during the dream all these things decide what will be exact meaning of the dream. According to the culture and religion meaning may differs. In this text Marriage dream meaning Hindu is considered to explanation.

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