Aries and Libra Compatibility for Friendship, Love & Marriage

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Aries and Libra Compatibility (मेष  तुला)

Zodiac Sign Aries, Date of Birth from March 21 to April 19

Zodiac Sign Libra, Date of Birth from September 20 to October 21

Aries and Libra Compatibility for Friendship, love, and Marriage is discussed here. Aries and Libra are opposite signs and therefore possess opposite traits.

Due to the exact opposite polarity at some points, these are complementary to each other.

But in some points, they are against each other. If both are ready to come on a moderate scale this relationship is a wonderful and long-lasting relationship.

See the details of Aries and Libra’s friendship and love.

Zodiac Sign Aries

Aries controls the month of March. It begins from March 21, but for 7 days being overlapped by the previous sign Pisces and does not come in its full power until about March 28.

From March 28 it remains in its full strength until April 19. It is then for 7 days it gradually losing its power due to becoming overlapped by the incoming sign Taurus.

Those born on the “Cusp” take features from both the signs

People under this sign means from March 21 to April 19 and on the cusp of April 26 are endowed with the power of strong will and the following personality traits:

Read These to know more about Aries


Aries birthstone Aries symbol

Zodiac Sign Libra

The symbol of Libra is represented by “The Balance”. Important personality traits are as below:

Read These to know Libra Hidden Facts


Libra traits
Libra Personality traits

Aries and Libra Compatibility for Friendship and Love

  1. Aries as a lover

People under the vibration of Aries are handsome, attractive, influencing, magnetic, and romantic.

They are passionate about making love relations and go extreme in love. People of Aries sign make love relationships, enjoy the relationship, and easily come out of the relationship.


  1. Libra as a lover

People of Libra sign are ideal lovers and religiously manage their love relations. These people are very attractive in look and communication.

They speak sweetly and attract the opposite gender easily. Libras have a magnetic personality and magnetic voice. They are very conscious of their words they speak their dress and look.

These people deeply understand the meaning of love and their object of love. They can’t remain alone during the troubles they need their love partner when they have pain and sorrow.

Libras help their partner and expect the same from another side too.

Read – What you Zodiac Says, about the way you fall in love

Aries Girl and Libra Boy Friendship, Love and Marriage

  1. Libra boy and Aries girl both are extrovert signs but in a different style. Libra is governed by Venus and Aries is governed by Mars. Venus is the lord of love, sex, style, fashion, and smartness. Mars is the lord of passion, excitement, courage, and enthusiasm.
  2. Libra boy is liked and loved by the Aries girl in the beginning. But afterward, when Libra tries to control the partner Aries girl starts to revolt and conflict arises as Aries never accepts any sort of rule and control.
  3. Libra is the sign of balance. Aries is a sign of arrogance and independent nature.
  4. Libra boy is very thoughtful, balance in all perspectives, and does the things after planning and with great care. Aries girl is very prompt in everything and does the thing without much thought.  This arrogance and independent nature of Aries girl if checked is disliked by the Aries girl.
  5. Libra is the sign of air and Aries is the sign of fire. Libra air is cool and balanced and dislikes fire. Both the sings are arrogant in their initiatives.
  6.  Libra respects the feelings of partner but Aries respect only her views and not ready to respect the views of her partner. To make the union successful it is essential for Aries girl to respect the partner also.

Aries Boy and Libra Girl Love, Friendship and Marriage

  1. Boys under Aries sign and Libra girl union is a union of fire and air. Aries is full of excitement, passion, promptness.
  2. Peson under Aries is always in hurry. But Aries like his Libra partner a lot due to her beauty, style, and communication. Libra girl also likes her partner and his independent nature. This match is comparatively better and stable.
  3. Girl under Libra vibrations is wonderful in communication, art, and presentation. Libra girl is sociable and likes to live among so many friends both male and female. If Aries boy is ready to give complete space to his Libra partner the match is wonderful and long-lasting.
  4. Libra girl is very balanced in all her endeavors, thoughts, and everything. Girl under Libra do the things after careful planning and smoothly. Libra girl never like his partner hurries in all the things, therefore, she wants to control the things to make them smooth. This is rejected by the Aries and conflict arises.

Aries and Libra Compatibility for Friendship, Love, and Marriage


Aries Libra Compatibility is a relationship between air and fire. Libra’s air is cool, calm, and balanced. Aries’ fire is hot, prompt, and full of excitement.

To make this union a success Aries must be careful about the partner’s feelings. Aries must respect the partner.

However, Libra is very much moderate in all the perspectives but Libra should give proper space to blow the fire of Aries. On average, the match is good for a long time association with love, friendship, and marriage.


  1. Aries Marriage, Union, and Partnership

  • They will find their most magnetic relationship with the person born in their own sign Aries or dates March 21 to April 19, From July 21 to August 20 sign of Leo, November 21 to December 20 the sign of Sagittarius, and in the 7 days of the cusp in the beginning and ending of these dates, and also born in the part of the year the exact opposite to their own sign means 21st of September to the 21st of November.
  • A person born from March 21 to April 19 (Mars positive) is generally much attracted to the person born under Mars Negative or from October 21 to November 21 + 28th  November.

  1. Libra Marriage, Union, and Partnership

People born under the vibration of Libra find very favorable chances of success in partnership, union, and marriage with the people born under the same sign Libra September 21 to October 20, May 21 to June 20, January 21 to February 19, and 7 days cusp at the end and beginning of each of these time periods, also people born in the part of the year the exact opposite of their own sign means 21 March to the end of April.

Aries Libra Compatibility Love and Marriage Grade – 7/10

Aries and Libra Compatibility for Trust Grade -4/10

Aries and Libra Compatibility for Intellectual bonding Grade -7/10

Aries and Libra Compatibility for Emotional bonding Grade -8/10

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