Dreams about Alligator – Hidden Secret of Alligator in Dream

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Dreams about Alligator – Hidden Secret of Alligator in Dream

Dream about Alligator – Alligator is a violent animal and live in the water or near of water. It is huge in size and appears furious.


Alligator silently come near to human being and without any voice swallow a person. It looks very furious and horrible in real life.

Alligator is an enemy of a human being and therefore dreams about alligator are also not good in any form generally.

Important interpretations of dreams about alligator are as below-


Dream about alligator

Dreams about Alligator meaning

Seeing an alligator in a dream means worse time going to begin in your life now. Be careful and take every step after full planning. Do always right and never lose your confidence. Pass the time silently without and violent expression.


Dream about alligator in water

Dream about alligator alerts you about your family and friend circle. They may involve in any conspiracy against you. So observe the situation and react silently and peacefully


Dream about alligator warns you about health problems

Seeing a dream of alligator warns you about health issue in your family or with you. So take precaution about the health. Health issues may mental or physical or both.


Dream about catching an alligator

It is a good dream. It means you may get the secret of your friends or family members who are involve in some conspiracy against you.

It means the secret will be unfolded before you soon and the secret will support you in taking right decision and action.

Dream about alligator hunting someone

If you dream an alligator in which alligator is hunting it means you will take time in which you are involve currently but your success is sure.


Dream about alligator attacking me

If you dream that alligator is attacking on you it means you may suffer from physical or mental disorder. So, if you see such dream be careful about your health. Never ignore health issues.


Dream about alligator

Dream about take caring an alligator

If you love and care an alligator in your dream it means your success is sure in all kinds of matter whether that is related to family or profession. It means you are brave enough to handle all kind of problems


Dream about alligator fight

If you see an alligator who is fighting in dream it means you may have some quarrel in the real life. So, be care full and silent to avoid any kind of quarrel and fights.


Dream about taking a photograph of an alligator

If you take a photograph of an alligator in dream it means soon your enemy will attack on you. This is a warning dream. Be careful and take appropriate action to maintain peace in life.


Dream about alligator


Dreaming small children of alligator

If you dream children of alligator it shows your inner fear and anxiety about your family and friend. So, take right action and prevent you from any kind of stress and tension.


Chasing an alligator in dream

It is a good dream. It means you are on the right path. You will solve your troubles easily.


Dream about alligator

Dream about chatting with an alligator

If you dream that you are doing chatting with an alligator it means soon you will get some secrets about someone. And these secrets will be helpful for you to solve any life issues.


Dream about killing an alligator

Dream about killing an alligator is a good dream. It means all your problems will be over. If any health issue is there, that will be solved automatically. It is a symbol of good health, wealth and prosperity.


Dreaming an alligator in a cage

Dreaming an alligator in a cage is an auspicious dream. It means you wins the fight and defeated your enemy. Now everything is on your part. You enemy is under your control.

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