Pisces and Libra Friendship Love Marriage Sex Compatibility

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Pisces and Libra Friendship Love Marriage Sex

तुला – मीन

Zodiac Sign Libra September 20 to October 21

Zodiac Sign Pisces, February 19 to March 21

Zodiac Sign Libra

Libra controls the month of October.

The zodiacal sign of Libra commences on or about September 20, but for 7 days being overlapped by the “cusp” of preceding sign: Virgo, it does not come in its full strength until September 28.

From this date onward it remains in its full strength until October 20. After 20th October it gradually loses its power on account of becoming overlapped by the force of incoming sign: Scorpio.

The symbol of Libra is represented by “The Balance”. Important personality traits are as below: September 20 to October 27 or under the Libra sign are as follows:

Read more – Libra Personality Traits


Libra traits
Libra Personality traits

Zodiac Sign Pisces

For all those born in March Particularly in between Feb 19 to Mar 21

Zodiacal Sign of Pisces also called the House of Jupiter; (Negative) begins on or about Feb 19, but for 7 days being overlapped by the “cusp” of preceding sign: Aquarius, it does not come in its full strength until Feb 26.

From these dates onwards it remains in its full strength until Mar 21. After 21st March it gradually losing its power on account of becoming overlapped by the force of incoming signs Aries.

Those born on the “Cusp” take features from both the signs.

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Read more – Pisces  Personality Traits


pisces woman

Pisces and Libra Friendship, Love Marriage Relationship

Pisces as a lover

They are sensitive lovers. They are very emotional by nature. Due to oversensitivity, they are easily influenced by others and fall in love.

They expect a mature lover who can deeply understand and love them. They wish a stable love relationship, but they are cheated many times in love.

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Libra as a lover

People under Libra sign are a very ideal lover and religiously manage their love relations. They are very attractive in look and communication.

They speak sweetly and attract the opposite gender easily. They have a magnetic personality and a magnetic voice.

They are very conscious of the words they speak, their dress, and their look. They deeply understand the meaning of love and their object of love.

They can’t remain alone during the troubles they need their love partner when they have pain and sorrow. They help their partner and expect the same from the other side too.

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Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Friendship, Love, Sex, Communication, Emotion, Sharing, Trust and Values

Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Love and Sex

Libra is a sign of air and Pisces is a sign of water so, both behave differently whether that is love or sex. Libra and Pisces both are passionate signs bur different manners.

Libra wants fast and exited sexual relations while Pisces prefer sensual and slow sexual enjoyment.

Libra is much open and shares the likings without shyness while for Pisces it is really difficult to transform tender love into the sex.

Planet Venus touches both the signs deeply. Venus is a planet of Libra and exalted in Pisces.

Therefore both have so many tender thoughts common. Both care for their partners more in love and sex than their own satisfaction.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility in Love and Sex Grade – 5/10


Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Communication

Libra is much concerned about the language Libra uses and all about the communication.

Libra wants to talk a lot on everything with the Pisces partner. Libra is very expressive and believes in showing off and looks.

Pisces is opposite to this. Pisces is very shy in expression and presentation. Libra works intellectually on ground reality while Pisces takes things emotionally.

The main difficulty in this communication is that Libra never understand and try to understand what exactly Pisces expect from Libra.

Their communication is interesting in the beginning until both feel free from any practical ground reality. Things become worsen when both start to change each other and want to justify their things.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility in Communication Grade: 1/10

Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Emotion

Libra is governed by the Venus which makes Libra highly emotional. Due to the exaltation of Saturn in Libra sign, Libra is very true, responsible, and straightforward.

Pisces is the sign of Jupiter the teacher of gods while Libra is a sign of Venus the teacher of devils.

Hence, both are opposite in thinking and ideology therefore there is no very good sign for sharing emotions.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility in Emotion Grade: 2/10


Pisces and Libra Compatibility in sharing activities

Pisces vibrations make a person shy, alone, dreamy, and calm. Pisces is ready to do anything if Pisces is in good mood as mood change Pisces preferences change.

Libra is planned, responsible, and organized. Libra is opposite to Pisces all together.

In order to convince the Pisces partner when Libra introspects the things and changes its outlook, Pisces changes its opinion, and again trouble arises in the relationship.

Libra Pisces Compatibility in shared activities Grade: 4/10


Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Trust

The point of trust is the most difficult point between Pisces and Libra. For Pisces, it is difficult to trust a person who is so open, and extroverted and who is liked by a huge gathering.

Pisces never understand Libra in a way as Libra really is. Same true for Libra.

Also, Libra is totally misunderstood by the Pisces. Their trusting relationship is almost none or very less.

Both are unable to know the partner and trust them.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility in Trust Grade: 1/10


Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Values

Libra values fun, enjoyment, leadership, friends, and relatives, public and shows off while Pisces values calm, sensitivity and solitude.

Both are opposite to each other in values. Libra is not a fully independent sign but an emotionally dependent sign while Pisces is totally alone, quiet, and misunderstood sign by the Libra.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility in Values: 6/10


Pisces and Libra Man Woman Compatibility

Libra man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Libra man and Pisces woman have a good understanding at the beginning of the relationships whether that is marriage or partnership.

As time passes Pisces start to show her emotional nature and sensitivity at a greater level which disturbs Libra man and the gap starts visible in the relationship.

This match suffers from stability in the long run. Libra man and Pisces woman both start to busy in their internal thoughts separately and trouble occurs in the union.

This union is not workable in the long run. To make the relationship healthy both the partners should effort religiously and cooperate to the partner.


Pisces Man and  Libra Woman Compatibility

Pisces man and Libra Woman both have a different outlook towards the world and issues.

Libra handles things mindfully and on practical grounds and Pisces see the situation emotionally and on imaginary grounds.

Both differ and this creates troubles in the relationship. This match is not good for a long-lasting relationship.


Pisces and Libra Compatibility in Friendship, Love, Marriage and Sex


Libra and Pisces have some points common. Both are creative, full of zeal, passionate, and enthusiastic.

They like and appreciate art, music, and beauty equally. Liking and interests are sometimes the same but internally there is a huge gap in their philosophy.

Libra partner is very cool, practical, and possess a pleasant personality. Pisces partner is very sensitive and emotional. The sensitivity of Pisces partner irritates Libra’s person.

Whenever any difficult situation occurs in their life Pisces partner takes decision by heart only without thinking intellectually while Libra takes decisions through the mind.

These differences create conflicts and life becomes miserable for both the partners.

In order to make the union stable and good both the partners need to understand and respect each other deeply using heart and mind.


Pisces and Libra best Marriage, Union and Partnership

Pisces Marriage, Union, and Partnership

  • If you are born between Feb 19 to Mar 20, you will find yourself in a good relationship with a person born in the same sign of Pisces the third house of water Feb 19 to Mar 20, June 21 to July 20 Cancer, Oct 21 to Nov 20 Scorpio and in the 7 days of the cusp at the beginning and ending of these dates of periods.
  • You are likely to be attracted to the people born in the part of the year opposite to your birth period.

 Libra Marriage, Union, and Partnership

  • People born under the vibration of Libra find very favorable chances of success in partnership, union and marriage with the people born under the same sign Libra September 21 to October 20, May 21 to June 20, January 21 to February 19, and 7 days cusp at the end and beginning of each of these time periods.
  • Also, people born in the part of the year the exact opposite of their own sign means 21 March to the end of April

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