Life, Death, and Rebirth, Quotes life death

quotes life death

 Life after Death (Quotes life death and Rebirth) What is the human body? Life and death is an infinite cycle in which human revolves infinitely. A human body is a combination of five elements, sun, air, water, earth, and sky. A human being is composed of the physical body, subtle body, and soul or the … Read more

Religion definition

God Quotes

If there is one God then why there are so many religions? Religion definition – God is one names are many as many religions. Then, what is the reason for so many religions? There are fundamentally two reasons behind many religions: Spirits Prophets Spirits Two worlds are there physical and subtle or seen and unseen. … Read more

Sound healing therapy, vibrational sound healing

vibrational sound healing SOUND HEALING THERAPY

Sound healing therapy, vibrational sound healing Sound healing therapy, vibrational sound healing – The sound has a vibrating force and a full of energy with the potential to influence all the objects of the cosmos and therefore, all the living beings and humans too. Varieties of sound can be used to cure all the physical, … Read more