Coronavirus – Astrological Remedy of Corona Virus

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Astrological Remedy of Corona Virus

Everyone is afraid of the Corona Virus due to the horror it has created in recent days. There is some good news about the Corona Virus.

First of all, don’t afraid of Corona Virus but take some precautions to prevent the Corona Virus.

The remedy of Corona Virus – Hot Water and Hot Water Steam

To stay away from coronavirus consume hot water at least four times in a day. Also, take a hot water stream four times a day. Hot water keep your throat warm and free from the infection of the coronavirus.


If you have a steamer then good otherwise you can boil water in a bowl and take steam.



Note- I got this remedy of coronavirus from one of the video shared on the Internet.

The remedy of Corona Virus – Planet Sun

Planet Sun is transiting in the Aries zodiac sign from 14 April. The Sun will be in the Aries sign till 14 May.

During this period The Sun will end all the diseases particularly Corona Virus completely.


Remedy of Corona VirusRemedy of Corona Virus


Remedy of Corona Virus – Planet Mars

Today is 22nd, March 2020. Today Planet Mars transiting in Capricorn or Makar Sign. Now Mars also slows down the Corona Virus.

Mars is the commander and the main task of a commander is to protect his people. Hence, Mars also protects people from Coronavirus. Mars will fight the virus and save the people.

Mars and SUN both will remove the impact of the Coronavirus soon in the coming days.


Remedy of Corona Virus

Remedy of Corona VirusSaturn

Planet Saturn from coming May 2020, will completely end the impact of CORONA Virus not only from India but from the whole world.

Some important remedy to protect you and your family from Corona is here in addition to avoiding social contacts from the people.

Stay at home and recite Gayatri Mantra 108 times as well as recite Mahamritunjaya Mantra 108 times.


Before reciting these two mantras keep some water at your worship place after adding some Gangajal in the water.

After complete, the worship and recitation of these two mantras give some water to consume to all the family members and also sprinkle some drops of water in your home too.

It is also a wonderful way of sanitization of your house and you through the power of mantra.


Remedy of Corona Virus

  • To improve your immunity consume Giloy tea daily.


  • Stay at home and make a distance from the outside world.
  • Do Pranayam also to improve your immunity.
  • Maintain cleanliness and wash your hands frequently.


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