Herb – Giloy, Amla Powder, Harsingar, Sindoor, etc.

Guava herb

Ajvain Herb English Name: Trachyspermum ammi herb Hindi Name: Ajvain herb Uses: Take Ajvain10 gram, Trifala 10 gram and raw salt 10, grind all and make mixture. Before sleeping take 5 gram of mixture with one glass of lukewarm water to cure constipation. Amla or Avla Herb English name: Gooseberry Herb Hindi Name: Amla or … Read more

Soul Urge Number 5 or Soul Number 5

Soul Urge Number 5

 Soul Urge Number 5 or Soul Number 5 For all those whose birth number is the 5th, 14th, and 23rd The Soul Urge number 5 is associated with the Planet Mercury and is mercurial in its personality traits. Soul Urge Number 5 people are all those who are born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd … Read more