21 Dreams of birds – Dreams about birds meaning in Hinduism

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21 Dreams of birds – Dreams about birds meaning in Hinduism

Dreams about birds meaning – Generally, dreams of birds are good and give auspicious results in life. Dreams about birds meanings are hope aspirations, joy and peace, etc.

Dreams of birds may also be an indication of meeting with new or old friends in the near future.


dreams about birds meaning

Dreams about birds meaning

Dreams about birds feeding meaning

Dreams about feeding birds symbolize your good Karma in future life. It indicates that you will enjoy a spiritual life soon. Such dreams mean peace and positivity in life.


dreams about birds meaning

Dreams about hearing birds meaning

Dreams of hearing birds or chirping bird means happiness, and joy all around you in real life. It may be message of functions in your family.


What does it mean to dream of baby birds in a nest?

Dreams about bird’s nest means changing your house soon. You may get a better house in life. This may be a symbol of shifting in another rented house or shifting in your own house.


Dream of birds

What does it mean when you dreams of birds eggs?

A dream of birds’ egg is an auspicious dream. It means you will marry soon if you are unmarried. If you are married, you may get a new arrival of baby in your house.


Dreams about dead birds meaning

Dreams of birds which are dead is not a good dream. It means you may have quarrel with your friends and family at home or at office. You may be a victim of some conspiracy if you dreams about dead birds.


Dreams about birds in cage

Dreaming birds locked in cage is a negative dream. It indicates fight with friends and relatives. They may provide you harm, so be careful if such dream come to you.


What does it mean when you dream about flying with birds?

Dream about flying with birds means success, accomplishment and fulfillment of incomplete work you have in hand. It is good dream.


What does it mean to dream with colorful birds?

Dreams about Colorful birds mean opportunities coming in life. It also symbolizes marriage, birth of child or similar kinds of joy and function in your family.


Dream of birds



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