Butterfly dream – What does it mean to dream of butterflies?

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Butterfly dream – What does it mean to dream of butterflies?

Butterfly dream – Dreams show many things in sleep that sometimes have meanings and impact a lot on our life. Contrarily, some dreams are meaningless and come during the sleep due to stress, anxiety, over thinking, etc.


Butterfly dream


Dream interpretation depends on so many things for example, over thoughts, perspective, morale values, cultural values, etc. Dream interpretation also depends upon over metal state during the time of the dream.

Time of the dream is also important. Generally, dreams seen during the after 3 AM are more important than the dreams that come during the deep night.


Butterfly dream

Seeing Butterfly in Dream Hindu

Red, green, blue, yellow and Black Butterfly dream

Dreaming a butterfly or group of butterfly is a good dream. It indicates love, and affection between couples. Butterfly dream indicates better relationship between wife and husband and between lovers.

Doesn’t matter what is the color of the butterfly in dream but the meaning is same.


Catching a butterfly in dream

If you are trying to catch a butterfly during the dream it means you will be successful in all the tasks that you will do in the future.


 Killing a butterfly in the dream

It is not a good dream if you kill a butterfly during the dream or try to kill a butterfly in the dream. It means time is tough for you. There may be many obstacles in the life. It will be difficult to complete the task if you start a new task now.


Pair of butterfly in dream

To see a pair of butterfly during the dream is good for you. It indicates more love and affection between you and your partner. It also means better relationship with the partner in the near future. If you are unmarried and see such dream it means soon you will get a good partner to marry.


Butterfly dream

Group of butterfly in dream

It is an auspicious dream it means health, wealth, and prosperity all around. It may be the indication of improvement in salary, profit in business, etc.


White Butterfly dream

White butterfly in dream is an indication of pure knowledge, purity and celestial radiance in your life.

When confronted with life altering decisions, white butterfly appear. Dreaming a white butterfly is a symbol that you’re becoming more conscious of yourself and that you’re progressing in your mental development.


Butterfly dream MEAN

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