Lord Hanuman True Story, alive Proof, & Hanuman Chalisa

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Lord Hanuman True Story, alive Proof, & Hanuman Chalisa

Lord Hanuman is a Hindu God, and he is worshiped from ancient time throughout the world particularly by Hindus.

Lord Hanuman is known as “Pawanputra Hanuman” as he flies with the speed of air with the grace of saints. Mother of Lord Hanuman was Goddess Anjani.


When did Hanuman born?

Mother Anjani was an Apsara in the heaven of Lord Indra in her past life before being mother of Lord Hanuman. Once so many gods and saints were busy in some serious meeting. A beautiful woman named Punjisthala came in the meeting and disturbed the meeting. Rishi Durvasa warned the beautiful woman not to disturb the meeting. But the beautiful woman avoided the warning of the saint.

Now saint Durvasa annoyed from the lady and cursed her to be born in the races of Monkey in the next life. The beautiful woman felt sorry, but saint Durvasa didn’t take back his words. After seeing sad her the saint told the lady that you will give a birth to a son and your son will be the greatest devotee of Lord ShrI Ram.

In the next life she gave a birth of Shri Hanuman the greatest devotee of Lord Shri Ram. In the next birth the name of the beautiful woman was Anjani. Lord Hanuman was very brave in all the terms. Hanuman was the greatest devotee of Shri Ram.


Lord Hanuman

Where is the Hanuman now?

Hanuman is a divine energy. With the grace of Lord Shri Rama, he is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Lord Hanuman is a divine power present all around you.

All the gods and goddess are divine energies and present everywhere and come to you to care and help you in the form of common man and woman and also in the form of birds, animals etc.


Hanuman powers

Lord Hanuman is known of his amazing powers. Lord Hanuman can fly in the sky. He works with the speed of air, hence called the lord of air also.

  • He is so brave that he can pick up mountains in his hands. In the Treta yuga once there was a need of Sanjeevani booty to save the life of Shir Lakshman. Lord Hanuman could not recognize the booty and hence, he brought the whole mountain named “Dronagiri” to save the life of Shri Lakshaman, the younger brother of lord shri Rama.
  • Once, in her childhood Hanuman was playing and felt hungry then he saw the sun. He thought the sun as a fruit so, he picked the sun to eat the sun.

So, the power of lord Hanuman is unbelievable for a common man. Hanuman is God and possesses a lot of divine powers.



Lord Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman Chalisa is like a poetry written in AWADHI language. It is full of the energies of Lord Hanuman. It instills positivity, confidence and powers in you if you recite it with full faith and respect. Hanuman Chalisa recitation protects devotees of lord Hanuman from all kinds of fears, troubles and obstacles.

Some people read Hanuman Chalisa daily to stay away from all kinds of troubles. Hanuman Chalisa recitation removes negative energies from the house and workplace. So, recites Hanuman Chalisa any time at least once in a day.


Lord Hanuman

Lord Hanuman alive proof

People asked about the alive proof of Gods and Goddesses. Answer is ; Gods and Goddesses are divine energies hence, always alive and manifest anywhere anytime to help their devotees. Gods and Goddesses are omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

These gods and goddesses are divine energies and so powerful that they can manifest themselves in the physical form made by the five elements anytime and anywhere for their devotees and their wish as well. These five elements are under their control.

If a divine teacher can present himself or herself in physical form anytime then why can’t God and Goddess. This is just a play for divine teachers such as Sai baba, Yukteshwar ji, etc.

Manifestation in the physical body and then dissolving their physical body in the universal energy is matter of play for them.

Hence, all the gods and goddess are always present for their true devotees. Time to time these energies come before their devotees as seen in many instances.


Lord Hanuman still alive proof – True story of Lord Hanuman 1

Once a person used to do black magic on a woman. The woman remains upset in her sleeps due to the black magic done by the person.

Lord Hanuman comes in her sleeps many times in the form of a monkey to protect her from the black magic. This case is of one of the devotees who is still present in the Kaliyuga, hence, name is not mentioned here.

Now, you may question why Lord Hanuman doesn’t stop the black magics forever.

The answer is that this is all Karma. Everything works as destined.


Hanuman dream

Lord hanuman still alive proof – True story of Lord Hanuman 2

Lord Hanuman is so sweet and beloved of his devotees that many time so many devotees have felt the support given by the lord Hanuman.

When you prayer with full faith your prayers are immediately heard by the Lord Hanuman and responded too.

There was a little girl in a lonely place. She was chased by a man with a bad intention. She was a devotee of Lord Hanuman and used to recite Hanuman Chalisa, when she found herself helpless in the lonely place, she recalled Lord Hanuman. Immediately, a monkey jumped over the man and bite the man.

The man ran away from the place. The monkey accompanied the girl until she reached her home.

There are so many true stories which shows the blessings of Lord Hanuman on his devotees.

Seeing Lord Hanuman in dreams in any form is always also auspicious.


What means if you see Lord Hanuman in dream?

Seeing Hanuman in dreams are always auspicious. The meaning of Hanuman dreams means blessings of lord Hanuman, happiness and prosperity. Blessings of Lord Hanuman removes black magics and other negative ghostly energies.


Common dreams related to Lord Hanuman is as below-

Dreams Gods Goddesses, God Idol, Ram, Krishna, Hanuman, Lord Shiva, Lakshmi, Genesha, etc.

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2 thoughts on “Lord Hanuman True Story, alive Proof, & Hanuman Chalisa”

  1. This is very surprise to me for telling herewith that today morning I have seen Hanuman ji in my dream , he was flying in the air in normal still mode with very decent way, even also they have worn multi ornaments. I can not forget his blessing this morning as he never comes in my dream since childhood. I am grateful for his blessing today. Jay Hanuman Gyan Gun Sagar.

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