Are Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatible

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Are Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatible

Pisces man – Pisces Man and Pisces Woman is a good match. Due to the same traits and same nature, both live together without any kind of conflict.

The detailed discussion about Pisces Man and Pisces Woman compatibility is as below-

Zodiac Sign Pisces, February 19 to March 21


pisces man


For all those born in March Particularly between Feb 19 to Mar 21

The zodiacal sign of Pisces also called the House of Jupiter; (Negative) begins on or about Feb 19, but for 7 days being overlapped by the “cusp” of the preceding sign: Aquarius, it does not come in its full strength until Feb 26.

From these dates onward it remains in its full strength until Mar 21. After 21st March it gradually losing its power on account of becoming overlapped by the force of incoming signs Aries.

Those born on the “Cusp” take features from both the signs.

The main characteristics of the persons born from Feb 19 to Mar 21 are as follows-

What kind of person is a Pisces, Read…


What Pisces means

Pisces (February 19 to March 21)

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman are sensitive lovers. Pisces sign is mostly proved the best zodiac sign in love and friendship.

They are very emotional by nature. Due to over sensitivity, they are easily influenced by others and fall in love.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman expect a mature lover who can deeply understand and love them. They wish a stable love relationship, but they are cheated on many times in love.

Pisces is the best zodiac sign in love if the opposite partner born on the following dates –

  1. If a partner born between Feb 19 to Mar 20,
  2. You will find yourself in a good relationship with a person born in the same sign of Pisces the third house of water Feb 19 to Mar 20,
  3. June 21 to July 20 Cancer,
  4. Oct 21 to Nov 20 Scorpio and in the 7 days of the cusp at the beginning and end of these dates of periods.
  5. You are likely to be attracted to the people born in the part of the year opposite to your birth period. 


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility for Friendship, Love, Sex, Communication, Emotion, Sharing, Trust and Values


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Love and Sex

Pisces and Pisces sign relationship is too dreamy and emotional to explain in terms of love and sex.

Both the partners remain busy in making a castle in the air and less active to make their dreams true.

Due to the mutable nature of the Pisces sign in the physical relationship also they rarely initiate the sex.

But in case they involve in the physical relationship they enjoy and become open completely before the partner. They understand the need of the partner without speaking anything.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Friendship Compatibility in Love and Sex Grade – 8/10


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Communication

Pisces man and Pisces woman communicate a lot but these communication centers only on their dreams. They share ideas, plans, and rarely communicate that is necessary for their ground realities and their practical life.

If in case they are silent, they hardly initiate their communication. They silently close the door of their communication and remain busy in their introspection and self-analysis.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Communication Grade: 6/10


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Emotion

Two Pisces man and woman have great emotional contact and the rarest contact in the zodiac signs Their emotions are full of tender feelings, love, and affection due to the exaltation of planet Venus.

Venus is the planet of true love and emotions and care. When these two Pisces meet together they dwell in the ocean of love and affection.

The deep emotional touch that is seen in the meeting of two Pisces man and woman is not seen in any other union of zodiac signs.

This kind of emotional contact never demands physical touch and physical contact and remain happy without materialization of this feeling.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Emotion Grade: 10/10


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in sharing activities

Two Pisces man and woman share a lot and of course everything that comes into their life whether good or bad. They enjoy each and every moment of their life when they are together.

They enjoy fun, they enjoy traveling, and live full of zeal and joy.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in shared activities Grade: 8/10


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Friendship Compatibility in Trust

Pisces are very unstable, inactive, dreamy, and slow in all the activities. They avoid things rather than facing the thing.

These things create distrust between them. Sometimes they feel insecure in regard to facing the challenges of life.

Resulting in, they start to hide something from the partner. This situation is like a pendulum. They move from one extreme to another extreme in the point of trust.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Trust Grade: 5/10


Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Values

Both the partners value truth, beauty, love, care, affection, trustworthiness, and talent.

But when they are together they rarely seem at the same pace they appear opposite and different may be due to their differences in the level of priorities, choices, and interests.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Value System: 8/10

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Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

By nature, both are very similar and therefore they have a good understanding of all the things. But the problem is that they can’t face hardships in life.

They avoid obstacles and challenges that life presents before them from time to time.

Both the partners feel like to each other and pass their life happily but not capable to take strong decisions.  They can’t reach height due to less risk-taking habits.

Read what Your Heart Desire Number says about you…..

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Friendship, Love, and Sex

Can a Pisces and Pisces be friends?


Pisces man and Pisces woman can be good friends, lovers, partners, and couples, and they are capable to make a successful union. This is a wonderful match in all kinds of relationships.

Both the partners belong to the same sign therefore all the traits are the same and there is no chance of any conflict and misunderstanding.

They belong to the water element. They are very sensitive, dreamy, lazy, and less active. They think a lot but do less.

They plan a lot but execute very little. Therefore there is no chaos but they do too less that it harms their life and family.  They are not capable to face the hardships in life.


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What your Zodiac says, about the way you fall in love?

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Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Marriage, Union, and Partnership

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman best match for Marriage

Marriage, Union, and Partnership

  • If you were born between Feb 19 to Mar 20, you will find yourself in a good relationship with a person born in the same sign of Pisces the third house of water Feb 19 to Mar 20, June 21 to July 20 Cancer, Oct 21 to Nov 20 Scorpio and in the 7 days of the cusp at the beginning and ending of these dates of periods.
  • You are likely to be attracted to the people born in the part of the year opposite to your birth period.



What is Pisces best known for

Pisces are best known for their tenderness, softness, imagination, creativity, dreaminess, and emotional nature.

Is Pisces a good sign

Yes, Pisces is a good sign particularly for the person who needs someone for help. Pisces has great empathy for all, particularly those who are in pain and sufferings.


How do Pisces act when hurt

Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac system therefore Pisces easily hurt. When Pisces hurt they react as they feel humiliation.

Are Pisces Moody

Pisces are sensitive, emotional, and imaginative sign. Pisces feel like with their mood. But this habit never disturbs others and never create trouble for others.


Can a Pisces fight

Yes, Pisces can fight also, particularly when hurt without any genuine reason.


Is Pisces a jealous sign

No, Pisces is not a jealous sign they never show jealous. When Pisces women feel that someone is showing jealous to them, Pisces feel sad and not jealous in the return.

How smart is Pisces

Pisces are smart in the sense of intelligence and creativity. They are highly intelligent and creative people. Pisces are imaginative and full of creative ideas.


What are Pisces’ weaknesses?

Pisces trust blindly and therefore becomes the victims of pain and sadness.

Another weakness of Pisces is that they feel like to live in their imaginations and not ready to face the reality of life.


What does Pisces mean sexually?

For Pisces, sex means emotional satisfaction rather than physical satisfaction and this is not only for the Pisces partner but also for the other partner too. For Pisces sex is to become relaxed mentally and emotionally.

Are Pisces stubborn

Pisces are not stubborn exactly but this is true that Pisces want to live with their mindset, with their ideas and creativity. Pisces is a generous sign therefore they expect the same from the partner also.


What makes a Pisces happy

Truth, trustworthiness, love, care, tenderness, and empathy make Pisces happy.


Why do Pisces have a hard life?

Pisces pass so much time in making plans and making ideas. Pisces avoids doing a hard life. Pisces believes in imagination rather than practicality resulting in they have to suffer and face a hard life.


Why do Pisces like to be alone?

Pisces like people but due to their highly imaginative nature, they feel like to be alone with their ideas and imaginations.


What sign should a Pisces marry?

Pisces should marry Taurus,  Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

Are Pisces bipolar

Pisces are not bipolar exactly but Pisces is too much introverted and does self-analysis a lot. When they are very happy they make people happy too. When they hurt they become sad.


What part of the body does Pisces rule?

Pisces rules the fleshy appearance and particularly fleshy face. Moreover, Pisces rules for feet and toes.


What makes Pisces angry

Pisces is a silent, sensitive, and generous sign. Pisces generally not angry with anyone but when things become adverse, Pisces becomes sad. Particularly when someone cheats and speaks false.


What happens when you betray a Pisces

When some betray a Pisces then Pisces becomes sad. When someone asks to forgive them then Pisces forgives them too.

Do Pisces have powers?

Pisces is the sign for water. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac system therefore this is called the most mature sign like a saint. Pisces is full of matured, emotional, natural, and a nurturer sign.


Read –

 Pisces and Aries (मकर – मेष अनुकूलता)

  Pisces and Taurus (मकर – वृषभ अनुकूलता)

  Pisces and Gemini (मकर –मिथुन अनुकूलता)

  Pisces and Cancer (मकर – कर्क अनुकूलता)

 Pisces and Leo (मकर – सिंह अनुकूलता)

  Pisces and Virgo (मकर – कन्या अनुकूलता)

Pisces and Libra (मकर – तुला अनुकूलता)

Pisces and Scorpio (मकर – वृश्चिक अनुकूलता)

 Pisces and Sagittarius (मकर – धनु अनुकूलता)

 Pisces and Capricorn (मकर – मकर अनुकूलता)

 Pisces and Aquarius (मकर – कुंभ अनुकूलता)

 Pisces and Pisces (मकर –मीन अनुकूलता)


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