Taurus and Gemini compatibility in love, friendship, & sex

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Taurus and Gemini Compatibility

Taurus Zodiac Sign, April 19 to May 20

Zodiac Sign Gemini, May 21 to June 20

Zodiac Sign Taurus

Astrological Sign Taurus consists of all the people who born in the month of May between Apr 19 to May 20. Taurus Astrological sign commences on or about Apr 19, but for 7 days being overlapped by the “cusp” of preceding sign:

Aries, it does not come in its full strength until April 26. From these dates onwards Taurus Astrological sign remains in its full strength until May 20. After 20th May it gradually losing its power on account of becoming overlapped by the force of incoming sign Gemini.

Those born on the “Cusp” take features of both the signs.

The main characteristics of the persons born from Apr 19 to May 20 under Taurus are as follows:

 Read more – Taurus Hidden Facts


Zodiac Sign Gemini

Gemini controls the month of June. Gemini begins from the May 21, but for 7 days being overlapped by the previous sign: Taurus does not come into its full power until about May 28.

From May 28 it remains in its full strength until June 20. It is then for 7 days it gradually losing its power due to becoming overlapped by the incoming sign Cancer.

People under this sign means from May 21 to June 19 and in the cusp to June 27 are endowed with the characteristics of Gemini – the twins and may be considered dual in characteristics and mentality.

 Read more – Gemini Personality Traits



Taurus and Gemini Compatibility in Friendship and Love

Taurus as a lover

Taurus is the best lover. People under the vibration of the Taurus sign are very attractive, emotional, reliable, influencing, and romantic.

They easily make love relations and are experts in making love. They are very serious and emotional lovers. They support their beloved beyond the boundaries throughout life.

Their partner enjoys life with them and likes them a lot. Their company is the best company as love is the concern.

Gemini as a lover

These people love more than once. This is why sometimes they marry more than once. They are easily attracted to the opposite gender and fall in love.

They make and break love easily. Despite a good marriage partner they make other love relations and remain busy in thoughts with someone else.

In fact, people of Gemini sign are experts in making love relations. They feel difficulty after some time in one relationship.

Zodiac Signs Says about the way you love, Read…

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Love, Sex, Communication, Emotion, Sharing, Trust, and Values

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Love and Sex

Taurus values the earthly things and it is a practical sign. Taurus needs physical touch, love, and care.

It likes sensuous pleasure and physical needs gratification. On the contrary Gemini, the sign needs intellectual stimulation it gives values to the ideas, feelings, and thoughts.

This creates a gap between the partners and impacts the married life.

Gemini and Taurus, Love and Sex Grade – 3/10

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility in Communication

The couple suffers from the issue of misunderstanding due to the lack of communication between man and woman and this creates a gap in communication between the partners.

Taurus and Gemini Communication Grade: 5.5/10

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility in Emotion

Taurus is cool, sincerer, and stable by mind and body while Gemini is an anxious sign. Gemini never sits cool and also not stable emotionally.

Both the signs Taurus and Gemini are differed in emotionally and psychologically, therefore, they always have a difference of opinion on most of the issues and emotional grounds.

Taurus and Gemini Emotion Grade: 3/10

Taurus and Gemini sharing activities

Taurus and Gemini are opposite in nature and personality traits which impacts their sharing of ideas, routine things therefore extra care and mature understanding are needed to run the relationship successfully.

Taurus and Gemini shared activities Grade: 2.5/10

Taurus Gemini and Compatibility in Trust

Due to opposite characteristics and differences of opinions on many grounds both the parsons suffer from the lack of care, communication, trust, and love.

Taurus and Gemini Trust Grade: 2/10

Taurus and Gemini Values

Taurus gives the values of physical love and care. It likes physical touch and affection while Gemini attracted to intellectual ideas and similar stimuli.

To maintain the relationship in the long run both need to understand each other and also need to adjust according to the ease of partner otherwise the match is always in problems and difficult to survive.

Value System of Taurus and Gemini: 1.0/10

Taurus woman and Gemini man Compatibility

  • A woman under Taurus is peaceful, cool, and calm and dislikes over the anxiety of her partner.
  • Taurus woman thinks that her partner wants to control her freedom and this makes her restless and stressed.
  • Taurus woman doesn’t like the habit of Gemini to check each and everything of her life. Regular interruption of Gemini man in her life makes her more anxious and irritable. Resulting Taurus woman avoids communicating with her partner. All such activities made the union worst and unstable.
  • Gemini man is very restless and wants to know each and everything about the trivial things which make the relationship critical.

Taurus man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

  • Gemini woman likes the confidence of Taurus man a lot. She also appreciates the enthusiastic nature of Taurus man. Gemini woman surrender before Taurus man. But controlling nature of Taurus man increases suffocation in the Gemini woman.
  • Taurus man is cool and stable by nature and expects the same from the partner. Contrarily Gemini woman is anxious and dislikes the cool and calmness of the Taurus man, however, she likes the confidence and intelligence of the Taurus man.
  • Due to opposite characteristics both the parsons suffer from the lack of care, communication, trust, and love.
  • They share things less, communicate less and the union becomes difficult to survive in the long run.

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility in Friendship, Love, and Sex


  • The couple suffers from the issue of misunderstanding due to the lack of communication between man and woman and this creates the problem of distrust among the partners. To make the harmony between the partners it is essential to communicate well and share things in detail.
  • The Person under Taurus whether man or woman should learn how to coordinate with Gemini and Gemini woman or man also needs to learn stability from the Taurus sign to make the bonding strong and good.
  • If both are ready to coordinate with their partners only then the union is good and long-lasting otherwise the relationship is complex and difficult in the long run.
  • In order to make this association long-lasting and stable, it is essential to understand the psychology of each other. Both persons must respect their partners and ignores trivial things that may cause a problem in the relationship.

Taurus Marriage, Union, and Partnership

  • They will find their most harmonious relationship with the person born under the Taurus Astrological sign April 19 to May 20, August 21 to September 20 (Virgo), December 21 to January 20 (Capricorn), and in 7 days of the cusp at the beginning and end of each of these signs.
  • A person born in the month of the year exact opposite to their birth October 21 to November 21 + 7 days of ‘cusp’ are also fortunate for them.

Gemini Marriage, Union, and Partnership

  • Partnership, marriage, and union are rarely a success with the people born in June under the sign of Gemini.
  • A person born under the Gemini finds the most magnetic attraction with the people born in the same sign Gemini May 21 to June 20, September 21 to October 20, January 21 to February 19, and in the 7 days of the cusp at the beginning or end of the each of these time periods.
  • These people also attracted to the people born in the month of the year that is exact to opposite their own sign of Gemini or November 21 to December 28.

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