Twin flame reading: Theory, Love, Signs and Stages

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Twin flame reading: Theory, Love, Signs, and Stages

Twin flame reading – Theory, Love, Signs, and Stages – Twin flames are divine flames and counterparts of one another. They always strive to join together again after departing from their counterparts.


The theory of the existence of Twin Flame

A soul is an indivisible and absolute entity or energy. Before discussing further, first know the true meaning of SOUL.

The soul is divine energy. Soul and Supreme souls are synonyms and one only.


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What is a twin flame?

Supreme Soul or God is indivisible absolute energy but reflects via each and every object of the universe and all these objects appear different to us.

This is due to the close sixth sense or third eye. However only one energy present everywhere in all the objects including nature, sun, moon, human beings animals, etc.

Similarly, a Twin flame is indivisible and one but appears as it present in two beings as in the case of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati Lord Krishna and Radha, and many more.


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Twin Flame is Divine Flame

To know this mystery, it is essential to understand the composition of a human being.

Human being comprises of a physical body, a subtle body, and a divine component called the soul or supreme soul.

This soul is the supreme soul or supreme energy but appears distinct from God.

This is due to illusion/ego or “I”.


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Twin Flame Meaning

Similarly, twin souls are indivisible, one, and absolute entity but seem present in two beings.

This distinction is due to the component of “I energy” or Ego (Hindi: Ahankar). Now the question is what is “I Energy”.

Read- the exact meaning of “I energy”

What is a twin flame relationship?

Twin Flame: A Relationship Beyond Soulmates

The twin flame relationship is the relationship beyond the soulmates.

Soulmates are all those who you have some past life debt related to love or finance and this is why you meet again and again in this stage of the world.

You pay past debts and simultaneously, collect more, the cycle is infinite no end. These debts are the real cause of reincarnation.

Read… 15 Proofs, that You are Incarnated so many times

What does twin flame mean?

A twin flame is your real half

A twin flame is your real half energy without it you can get final liberation from the world.

A coin is not complete without its other part. Head and tail both make a coin complete.

Same you are not complete without your other half or twin flame.

In fact, both the twin flames are one only, and indivisible but appear in two bodies due to “I” energy.

Once, this “I energy” dissolve after self-realization, both the twin flames enjoy life – One Soul in two bodies.

For the outside world both the twin flames are still distinct personalities, but both the twin flames understand that both are one, indivisible and absolute energy.


twin flame


How to know if your twin flame is thinking of you?

You can easily realize when your twin flame thinks about you through your deep thoughts.

During your routine work if your twin flame image comes to you repeatedly it means your twin flame is thinking of you.

Not only this, but you can also understand whether your twin flame is sad or happy with your thoughts.

You can get sad vibes from your twin flame if your twin flame is sad and if your twin flame is happy you will get vibes full of comfort and happiness.

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What are vibes? How vibes come to you?


How to find your twin flame?

It is not easy to find your true twin flame in this world through effort. Twin flame union occur according to divine law.

When both the counter twin flame completes their karmic and receives full maturity then they are allowed by the divine plan to meet each other under the divine guidance.

At the end of their karmic life cycle, both the twin flame are united, become one and ultimately dissolve into the divine energy and receive Moksha from this world.


twin flame hindu mythology

How to recognize your twin flame?

There is no way to recognize your twin flame if you are living separately and don’t know about the presence of the twin flame.

But, if you know about your twin flame then you can recognize your twin flame easily by the definite twin flame signs. There are various signs of twin flame including astrological and numerologist signs and psychological signs.

Definite Twin flame signs

What is twin flame love?

Twin love is a heavenly blessed love story that rarely occurs on the earth’s plane.

Twin flame love is a divine love full of trust, depth, respect, and reverence.

Twin flame regards their counter twin flame as a divine entity.

Read more about twin flame love



How to communicate with your twin flame?

The highest form of telepathy is a soul to soul connection between twin flames whether the twin flames are a divine guru and his disciple, two lovers, two friends, or any other relationship.

With this divine twin flame telepathy, the divine guru guides the disciple on the spiritual path and transfer the divine knowledge into the disciple secretly and silently.

This connection is established with the support of divine energy. The energy can be supreme energy or God itself or it can be lower-level energies as popular in so many tribes.

Disciple remains in the complete care of his/her divine guru not only in one life but infinitely throughout the entire life cycles of birth and death until the time of liberation.

Read more about divine twin flame telepathy



How to send love to your twin flame?

Vibes never tell a lie. You can send positive, and good vibes to your twin flame by thinking positive and healing thought about your twin flame.


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Read- the exact meaning of EGO, Ahankar, or “I energy”.

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