Taurus love compatibility and best love match

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Taurus love compatibility and best love match

Taurus love compatibility and best love match – Taurus best match for love and marriage is compatible with three zodiac signs Cancer (June 21 to July 21)Capricorn, (December 21 to January 21), and Pisces (February 19 to March 21).

Astrological Sign Taurus includes all the people who born in the month of May between Apr 19 to May 20.

Taurus sign commences on or about Apr 19, but for 7 days being overlapped by the “cusp” of preceding sign: Aries, it does not come in its full strength until April 26.

From these dates onward Taurus remains in its full strength until May 20. After 20th May it gradually losing its power on account of becoming overlapped by the force of incoming sign Gemini.

Those born on the “Cusp” take features of both the signs.

A person born in the Taurus Astrological sign (Bull) comes under the house of Venus-positive. Taurus is a fixed sign of Zodiac the first Triplicity of the earth.


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love

What is Taurus compatible with a detail Description


Main characteristics of the persons born from Apr 19 to May 20 under Taurus Astrological sign are as follows: (Click the link below:)

Read Taurus Life Secrets

What is Taurus compatible with

Taurus Worst Match for Love and Marriage

Taurus love, marriage, and partnership compatibility with other zodiac signs are as below.

Click the link below to read details of love and marriage compatibility and complexities of Virgo with all other signs of the zodiac system.

Taurus Compatibility and Relationship with other Signs


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Aries


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love


Taurus and Aries possess two opposite energies and hence attracted to each other closely. Aries sexually matched with Taurus.

They have so many common interests and therefore sometimes they behave more like siblings than romantic partners. Both the signs compatible with each other and enjoy life.

Taurus and Aries (वृषभ – मेष अनुकूलता)


Is a Taurus compatible with a Taurus


Taurus and Taurus are very much compatible with each other. Both are romantic, passionate, caring, and jolly by nature.

Being an earth sign both surrenders to each other and enjoy the relationship from beginning to the end of life.

 Taurus and Taurus (वृषभ – वृषभ अनुकूलता)




Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Gemini


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love


Taurus and Gemini make wonderful team adjustments due to the same focused mental expertise. They learn a lot from each other and can win if work on a great project.

Both are an intelligent and creative sign. But for a long time commitment, they both need some adjustment and maturity.

Taurus and Gemini (वृषभ –मिथुन अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Cancer


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love


Taurus is highly compatible with Cancer. Taurus and Cancer work in harmony. However Taurus is a possessive sign but Cancer thinks it as a sign of love and care so, never mind it and enjoy it.

 Taurus and Cancer (वृषभ – कर्क अनुकूलता)


Taurus Love Compatibility with Leo


Leo and Capricorn
Leo and Capricorn

Taurus and Leo both are fixed sign and therefore they have a natural urge for faith and stability. As a friend, they are good and shared the needs.

But for long term relationships, they need maturity, understanding, and efforts to make the union a success. Frictions and conflicts may be common in the union.

 Taurus and Leo (वृषभ – सिंह अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Virgo


Taurus is very much compatible with Virgo sign. Taurus is dominated sign while Virgo is very soft-spoken, light, and a submissive sign.

Therefore both the partners shared the things and enjoy the relationships.

 Taurus and Virgo (वृषभ – कन्या अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Libra


Libra traits


Taurus and Libra both are guided by the Planet of love and beauty – the Venus. Both can work together but on their own terms and conditions.

Both have so many opposites philosophies about the work, thoughts, and family and both go with their mind and thought.

 Taurus and Libra (वृषभ – तुला अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Scorpio



Taurus and Scorpio can be compatible with each other but they may have to face challenges and conflicts due to their deep-rooted emotions.

Taurus is very deep and very sensuous sing. Scorpio is also the deepest sing of the zodiac system in emotionalism.

Both the signs speak with their eyes and understand the other one without expressing anything. They can marry but difficult for them to be married for a long time.

 Taurus and Scorpio (वृषभ – वृश्चिक अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Sagittarius


Scorpio and Sagittarius


Taurus and Sagittarius when joining the relationship they are very passionate about the union, but they must give some time to learn to each other so that they understand the energy that ignites through their union.

However, if they are ready to live together they can learn a lot from this union.

 Taurus and Sagittarius (वृषभ – धनु अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Capricorn


Best woman to marry


Taurus and Capricorn have a wonderful match as durability is concerned. They shared their ideas and all the things that life gives them from time to time.

 Taurus and Capricorn (वृषभ मकर अनुकूलता)


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love with Aquarius


Taurus Compatibility and Taurus Love


Taurus men and women are very logical and realistic for life and their family. Aquarius has very revolutionary views for everything.

When they join the relationship they have a great potential to do a lot for their life and future.

 Taurus and Aquarius (वृषभ – कुंभ अनुकूलता)


Taurus Love Compatibility with Pisces


pisces man


Taurus and Pisces are highly compatible with each other. It is a wonderful mixture of knowledge and love.

 Taurus and Pisces (वृषभ –मीन अनुकूलता)

Who should a Taurus marry

Taurus compatibility and Taurus love match: Marriage, Union, and Partnership

They will find their most harmonious relationship with the person born under the Taurus Astrological sign April 19 to May 20, August 21 to September 20 (Virgo), December 21 to January 20 (Capricorn), and in 7 days of the cusp at the beginning and end of each of these signs.

A person born in the month of the year exact opposite to their birth October 21 to November 21 + 7 days of ‘cusp’ are also fortunate for them.


Who is a Taurus soulmate

Cancer, Pisces, and Capricorn are good with Taurus hence, they may be the soulmate of a Taurus person.

Can a Taurus marry a Taurus

Yes, they can marry definitely. Due to the same traits, they can join in a successful marriage relationship.


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